My Articles

  • Fluid Typography

    Summary: Learn how to make fonts responsive without using Media Queries with fluid typography. It is an elegant solution that brings visual integrity to your project on various screens.

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  • Using REM Doesn't Make Your Website Responsive - Here's Why

    Summary: Knowing that typography is a topic that gets so little attention from developers (yeah, I am talking to you, who only declares font-size and font-family and completely ignores font-weight and line-height), I decided to write this article to talk about best practices when working with text in web development.

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  • Tips for creating better front-end projects faster - part 2

    Summary: The name is really self-explanatory. Article written in portuguese. Translation coming soon.

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  • Tips for creating better front-end projects faster - part 1

    Summary: The name is really self-explanatory. Article written in portuguese. Translation coming soon.

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  • Who is afraid of nth-child?

    Summary: On this article I dive deep into the nth-child pseudo-class. Article written in portuguese. Translation coming soon.

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